Monday, May 27, 2013

Caterpillars Adventure!

We read the story Caterpillar's Adventure written by Joy Cowley this morning and in the story caterpillar went on a backyard adventure.

Some of our friends are taking our classroom caterpillars on an adventure too! Delvin is drawing a map to explain where his caterpillar went!

Lots of friends are busy creating their story!

It Worked!

Our survey question asked if the leaves turned colour! The answer is yes! The stem moved the coloured water to the leaves!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Our Classroom Experiments!

We put the stem (celery) in coloured water to see if it will transport the water to the leaves. We are making lots of predictions of what will happen! Sponges were left in the coloured water at the water table to see if they can absorb and transport water like a stem.


After watching the video, some of our friends made beautiful call and painting pictures! Some friends used the peg boards to make some parts of plants!


We are experimenting with stencils at the writing table!

Plant Parts!

We watched a video about parts of a plant. We learned that we eat roots (carrots), seeds (corn, popcorn), the stem (celery, asparagus) and we eat the flower (broccoli).


On Thursday our class had the opportunity to attend the grade 8 bakesale.  The grade 8's are raising money for their graduation.  Thanks to all the parents who sent money for this worthy cause.  The grade 8 class worked very hard to organize this event and were rewarded for their efforts by raising over $700!!
The grade 8's organized the items by price.
Mmmm....the raffle cakes looked so yummy!
These cupcakes were decorated to look like hamburgers.
We got to enjoy our treats after eating something healthy from our lunches.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Learning about life in Space!!

This week was an incredible one for the Canadian Space Agency.  The world was entertained and educated by Commander Chris Hadfield and his posts from the International Space Station.  We watched the first ever music video filmed in space, Commander Chris Hadfield's version of David Bowie's "Space Oddity".  The children were fascinated by this.  We watched several other videos that were posted on You Tube about what life is like in space.  Next week we are going to build our very own rockets and launch them! Stay tuned for that adventure!!

Click below to view more videos of Chris Hadfield at the International Space Station:

We used our Smartboard to watch videos about Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield.

After we watched the videos we shared what we liked about the videos. The children were intrigued by weightlessness and we discussed gravity, and that in space, there is no gravity.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


We are doing estimation this week during sign-in. Yesterday the jar was full of tubes. Ben guessed right on with 26. Today, there are pom poms. We will find out later who was close in their estimation!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Our Salad Is Growing!

Look at our vegetables now! It's only been a week! Compare!

Measuring Hunt!

Today we went on a measuring hunt to see how tall things were around the school. We measured a table, window sill, a library shelf, the front entrance of he school and the pond to name a few. The classroom carpet was the longest or tallest measuring in at 547 cm and a marker was the shortest measuring in at 14 cm.

Monday, May 13, 2013

New Playground Equipment!

Today the staff and children were very excited to see the workers come to install our new Early Years Playground Equipment.  The equipment will be fully installed and ready to play on by Wednesday. Check back to see photos of the finished playground!
A new climbing tube, when it's fully installed it will be close to the ground.

Today we played on the grade one playground while big trucks were delivering the new playground equipment.

The children were excited to see the bobcat moving the dirt around!

Friday, May 10, 2013