Thursday, April 25, 2013

Expanding Raisins!

After our dancing raisin experiment, the children were curious to see what would happen if we left the raisins in the bottle.  The following day the water the raisins were soaking in turned brown.  The children also noticed that the raisins were "fatter".  A few commented that the raisins were turning into grapes.  This prompted a discussion on the differences and similarities of raisins and grapes.  The children learned that when grapes are dehydrated they become raisins.  The children explored the texture and flavour of the raisins and grapes. 

The "dancing" raisins. 
The raisins after 24 hours.
Comparing a grape and a raisin.
The children used words like "shriveled, smooth, wrinkled, sweet, sticky, and juicy" to describe the grapes and raisins

Exploring texture.

The children noticed that when they peeled the skin off of the grapes, they were green underneath!

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