Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Measuring Our Sunflower Seeds!

The children used cubes to measure their sunflower seeds. Ben noticed that his plant grew since yesterday. Yesterday his plant was 5 cubes tall. Today it is 6 cubes tall! They are recording the plant's growth on a chart.

At Home connection: Measure objects at home using blocks, rulers, measuring tapes etc.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Our sunflowers are growing!

We have planted green and yellow beans, grass, carrots, corn, peas and flowers too. We'll wait to see what happens!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Parachute Fun in Gym!

Today in gym with Mr. Hoy, the children played with the parachute.  They worked cooperatively to make turn the parachute into a spinning wheel and a mushroom!!

Moustache Day!

Do you recognize any of these friends? Unfortunately some friends already took their's off before we got pictures! Thank you for supporting our school fundraising efforts for Ryan's Well Foundation! Click below to see what Ryan's Well is all about!

What's Going On At School This Week!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Expanding Raisins!

After our dancing raisin experiment, the children were curious to see what would happen if we left the raisins in the bottle.  The following day the water the raisins were soaking in turned brown.  The children also noticed that the raisins were "fatter".  A few commented that the raisins were turning into grapes.  This prompted a discussion on the differences and similarities of raisins and grapes.  The children learned that when grapes are dehydrated they become raisins.  The children explored the texture and flavour of the raisins and grapes. 

The "dancing" raisins. 
The raisins after 24 hours.
Comparing a grape and a raisin.
The children used words like "shriveled, smooth, wrinkled, sweet, sticky, and juicy" to describe the grapes and raisins

Exploring texture.

The children noticed that when they peeled the skin off of the grapes, they were green underneath!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fred the Fish!

Today we told the story of Fred the fish. He lived in nice clean water. Then he decided to go on an adventure. He wandered down the river. As he kept going down the river things were added to the water due to the pollution. Oil from cars, eroded soil, litter from the near- by park, chemicals, fertilizer etc. Fred was no longer a happy, healthy fish. He was getting sick and he didn't like his home anymore.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day!

We did our part of taking care of our planet by picking up some litter on our playground.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Raisin's Dancing?

We discovered that we can make raisins dance! We used baking soda and vinegar and our raisins are dancing in the bottle. We will watch all day to see how long they will dance?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Making Our Own Flubber!

Flubber Recipe

Mixture One

3/4 cup warm water
1 cup of white school glue
Food colouring

Mixture Two

2 tsp. Borax
1/2 cup of warm water

Stir mixture one together in a bowl, mixture two in another. Make sure both are mixed well. Pour mixture one into mixture two. No stirring necessary, just work the mixture with your hands.