Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tattling and Telling

Today at circle time, Mrs. Hawkins lead the children in a discussion about the difference between "tattling" and "telling".  The children listened to a story about a little girl named "Tattletale Tilly".  She tattled so much that she did not have friends and even her brother and sister did not want to play with her.  Then Tillie changed her behaviour and was able to be a friend to others.  Then we made a chart of what behaviours were "tattling" and which were "telling".  The children learned:  Tattling is to get someone IN trouble.  Telling is to get someone OUT of trouble.  We discussed safety and when you should tell.  We listened to a song from You Tube called "The Tattling Song".  Here is the link to the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f44zb2aoB1s

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