Friday, November 30, 2012

Cylinders Galore!

Lots of friends brought cylinders to school today! Paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, pringle chips, a flashlight, lipstick, a bird feeder, a can of pop, a curler, crayons, a fitting pipe, and a cup are all cylinders.

Our Field Trip!

We delivered our letters today! The weather was beautiful and along the way we discovered many shapes. We saw cylinders, prisms, spheres, cubes, cones, rectangle, circles, squares and lots of rectangles. At the post office the children stamped their letter and put it in the mailbox that goes to the North Pole. We mailed a letter to Miss Amy's mom too! She lives in Pembroke, Ontario and she sent our class knitted hats and mitts so we can have extra in case we forget ours.
It cost us 69 cents to mail the letter. Mrs. Shepley gave the lady a loonie and we got a penny, a quarter and a nickel back. Off to the library! Mrs. Borland read us 2 stories and then we sang songs using instruments that she gave us. It was a great field trip! Thank you to all the volunteers! We can't do these walking adventures without you!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Puppet Time!

Making puppets is starting to become popular in the classroom the last few days. We would like to make a centre for the children to make puppets. If you have any odds and ends at home that would be good to use for puppet making, please send them in!

The Post Office is Open For Business!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mud Pies!

Nathan, Steven and Jamie were playing in the sand yesterday and started to talk about pies that they made out of sand. It led to the conversation of mud pies. I put a list for them to write things that they would need to make mud pies.

We added these things to the sand today. Great pies! Mmmmmmmm!

Our Post Office Is Almost Ready!

We made the sign!

We have the mailboxes ready!

The mailbox is work in progress!

Thank you to those parents who sent in envelopes, stickers and stamps.

The children are very excited!

Off To Investigate!

Jamie came to school this morning and said that she saw a finch's bird nest on the ground along the path on her way to school. We went to investigate and brought our finch's nest to compare. She led the way but when we got to the end of the path she discovered that it is gone now! We did notice all of the birds in the trees at the house nearby and they were eating at the several bird feeders hanging from the trees in their yard. We listened to the chirping noise they were making. As we walked a little further we noticed a great big nest high in the tree. We took a picture of it:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Shapes In Our Pictures!

We are noticing all the different shapes we use when we draw and paint pictures!

Ava used circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles when she made a book today!

Braelin used an oval and circles when she painted a skateboard today!

3 Dimensional Shapes

We learned a poem today about 3-D shapes. It goes like this:

3D shapes are fat not flat

A cone is like a party hat

A sphere is like a bouncy ball

A prism is like a building tall

A cylinder is like a can of pop

A cube is like the dice you drop

3D shapes are here and there

3D shapes are everywhere!

The children matched objects in the room to the 3D shape. Look at home to see if you can find any 3 D shapes.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Shapes Are Everywhere!

We are using 2 dimensional shapes to create pictures! The children are telling us what shapes they are using. Steven made a suitcase! Leslie made a snowman scene!
Look for shapes at home. Rectangle, square, circle, triangle, oval, diamonds. Draw them!

Friday, November 23, 2012

We Created Another Digital Book!

We have been reading the story Follow Me by JoAnne Nelson. We created our own version of the story.
First we came up with a list of what animals, the colour and a descriptive word for each animal. Then we drew the pictures.
Next we recorded their voices.
Last we read the book.

Click below to see and hear the story. Make sure your volume is turned up!

We Ate Our Cupcakes Today!

First we took the wrapper off
Then we put icing on the cupcake
Next we put sprinkles on top
Last we ate the cupcakes!!

Yum, yum!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Look What Ashley Brought To School Today!

Ashley took a survey at home and recorded the results on a yes/no graph. She asked her family if they like mushrooms on their pizza. 3 people in her family did and only 1 did not. She told me more people liked mushrooms. We left the survey out for our friends and some signed their names. Now 5 people like mushrooms and 5 people do not. Ashley told me it's the same. When I asked some friends if they knew another word we could say, Nathan shouted "equal."

Operation Christmas Child

Today the children helped Mrs. Shepley fill a shoebox for a needy child.  Mrs. Breshamer, our school's secretary takes on the enormous task of organizing the distribution and collection of the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. These boxes will be delivered to needy children in Africa and South America.   At the time of this post, over 190 shoeboxes had been collected.  To the families that participated and to Mrs. Breshamer, thank you very much. 

To learn more, visit the following sites:

Operation Christmas Child Video


Making Cupcakes!!

Today our 2 co-op students, Miss Chelsie and Miss Cassie made cupcakes with the class. Our goal today is to show that there is a certain order to do an event and we stressed using the terms first, then, next and finally. We also try to stress using specific vocabulary when we tell a story. Instead of saying "put it in here" we may say "add the water to the mix."

At home connection:
Retell simple events at home and be sure to use the terms first, then, next and finally (last). Use specific terms instead of words like this, that, here, there. Examples may include brushing your teeth, getting dressed etc.

We are going to icing , decorate and eat them tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Another survey!

The class calendar asked our friends to wear green to school yesterday. When they came to school they were asked to sign their name on the yes/no graph. I didn't tell them what the question asked. They figured it out on their own. 13 people said they wore green and 10 people said they did not wear green. We discussed more and less and how many more.

At home connection: Think of survey questions to ask at home and create a yes/no graph to find the results. Bring your graph to school to share with us!

An American Goldfinch!

We found out what kind of nest was found in the playground!! The children made some great predictions as to what kind of nest it was. Steven suggested that it was a hummingbird's nest because it is small like a hummingbird. Many friends agreed!! Some thought that it belonged to a robin or a blue jay. Our class sent a message to Ojibway Nature Centre for their input. They responded and told us that it belonged to an American Goldfinch. They responded that goldfinches use fibrous materials from thistle and milkweed to line their nests. We noticed that the nest is lined.

For more information visit:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Puffy Paint

Today Mrs. Hawkins and the children made "puffy paint". The children enjoyed "mucking about" and creating beautiful 3D pictures. If you'd like to try this at home, mix equal parts Elmer's school glue and shaving cream, then add food colouring or tempera paint. Pictures take 24 hours to dry completely.

Pasta with Nonna

What a healthy lunch! Pasta and a bun!

A special thank you to Nonna for coming in to make her pasta for us to eat. What a special treat! The children described the pasta and said it was yummy, good, delicious. Nonna brought cheese to put on top and we loved it! Thank you to Miss Nageen for her help in the kitchen. We really appreciate all of our great volunteers!

Letter shapes in the gym.

On Monday we talked about the letters C & K, both make the same sound, k. Then in gym class the children used their bodies to make the letters!

Big and Little

We have been discussing sizes of objects in the classroom and the kids came up with other words to use for big and little.
Can you come up with other words at home? Discuss them with your child and use these words at home too!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Look what came into our classroom today!

Jamie's older sister found a little tiny bird's nest outside today and she thought we would like to have it in our classroom. We put it at the science table and one of our friends became very interested in it. He drew a picture of it and wrote the words birds nest on the picture. We decided to research it on the Internet to find out what kind of bird makes tiny little nest. Stay tuned....

Patterns are everywhere in the classroom!!

Wow. Are they coming up with creative ways to make a pattern. Look below:
1. At home painting their fingernails.
2. Delvin made a bee and showed me the yellow, black pattern
3. Ashley made a bracelet and used 3 colours to make a pattern.

Gym Class Today!

We used spheres, circles and cones in the gym today!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Another class survey!!

On the classroom calendar it asked everyone to wear blue yesterday and we wanted to find out how many people did wear blue. We made a yes/no graph and asked the question: Did you wear blue today? Here are the results of the survey. We discovered that 14 people wore blue and 8 people did not wear blue. There were more people that wore blue and less people did not wear blue.

At home connection: create a yes/no graph at home and decide on a question for your graph. Bring it to school to share with us.