Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The ability to rhyme involves 2 components. The first is rhyme judement. This is the ability to recognize if 2 words rhyme. The second is rhyme production. This is the ability to produce rhymes. If you find that your child is having dfficulty with rhyming begin with 1-syllable rhyming words ( fall, ball) and then progress to 2-syllable rhyming words ( yellow, fellow). Allow your child to invent words to make the game fun!!

Rhyming Riddles

Say the first part of the sentence and have your child fill in the blank word.
Here are some rhyming sentences that you can recite with your child at home:

1.  The black cat is very _________. (fat)

2.  I like to look  in my _________. (book)

3.  The plane can fly up in the _________. (sky)

4.  I like to run in the ________. (sun)

5.  At night I turn on my _________. (light)

6.  I saw a frog who sat on the ______. (log)

7.  The silly goat was wearing a _________. (coat)

8.  The little mouse came out of his __________. (house)

9.  Baby Bear sat on a ___________.(chair)

10.  The hungry pig grew very _________. (big)

11.  I got dirt on my new _________.(shirt)

12.  I saw a the bee fly up in the _______. (tree)

Other rhyming activities:

1.  Choose rhyming books to read with your child and leave out the rhyming word to see if your child can fill it in. 

2.  Play the game, " One of These Things Doesn't Belong." - Put 3 rhyming pictures and 1 that doesn't rhyme together and have your child find out which one doesn't belong

3.  Put 10 objects in a mystery bag and have your child reach in the bag to select an object.  When an object is pulled out have your child create a rhyming word for the object. 

4.  Say two rhyming words to your child.  If the words rhyme your child stands up, if they don't your child sits down. 

5.Use a deck of cards.  Remove the jack, queen, king and ace.  Put the cards face down.  Pick a card and produce rhyming words that rhyme with the numbers.  The rhyming words can be real or nonsense.

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