Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Day!!

We had a very exciting day today!!!

We discussed how a pumpkin grow. One of our students donated an orange and a white pumpkin because his grandfather grows pumpkins. He told us that a white pumpkin is white because it is a different kind of seed. He also told our class that there are blue pumpkins too.

We danced with our pumpkin person!!

We cleaned out our pumpkins. Some of the words that were used to describe the inside of a pumpkin were gross, slippery, yucky, wet, and slimy!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

5 Little Pumpkins!!

Here is one song that we have been singing at school!!

5 Little Pumpkins!!

5 little pumpkins sitting on a gate
The first one said, "Oh my it's getting late"
The second one said "There are witches in the air"
The third one said, "But we don't care"
The fourth one said, "Let's run and run and run"
And the fifth one said "I'm ready for some fun"

OOOOOO went the wind
And out went the lights
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!!!!!

Encourage your child to use the terms, "first, second, third, fourth and fifth" at home!!!

Look at what came to school!!!!


One of the students brought in a book about snakes and the interest grew. We compared snakes and seriated the sizes of the snake. We introduced the terms "big, bigger and biggest" during one of the circles. The children made snake homes and learned some interesting facts about snakes. We discussed about how they hibernate and what they eat. They lay their eggs and then leave the eggs to hatch on their own. Ask your child to tell you one thing about snakes!!


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Graghing and Predicting!!

We have been making predicitions everyday this week about what they thought the sponge would grow into. The first day we put out a black sponge and the choices on the graph were "a pumpkin" or "a spider." When the children put their names under their predicitions on the graph, we had about half of the names on the pumpkin side and and half on the spider side.

We later discussed why some children choose the spider and some of the children suggested that it was because of the colour. We continued doing this for the rest of the week with different sponges... a pumpkin and a ghost. We tried to apply the colour clue in making our predictions for a few more days and the children became better at making their prediction.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


We made our own scarecrows in the class!!


Language Development!!

We read the story "The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything" written by Linda Williams and Illustrated by Megan Lloyd and the children enjoyed retelling it.  Ask your child to retell it at home.  Help your child by giving him/her clues.  Find these items at home to help retell the story:  shoes, pants shirt, gloves hat and a pumpkin.  Have fun

1.  Little old lady who was not afraid of anything
2.  Met some shoes.  They go CLOMP, CLOMP
3.  Met a pair of pants.  They go WIGGLE, WIGGLE
3.  Met a shirt.  It went SHAKE, SHAKE
4. Met 2 white gloves.  They went CLAP, CLAP
5.  Met a hat.  It went NOD, NOD
6.  Met a pumpkin head.  It went BOO, BOO
7.  The little old lady ran home and sat quietly and heard a KNOCK,KNOCK.  They tried to scare her but she wasn't afraid of anything.  She whispered into the pumpkin's ear and went to bed.  When she woke up in the morning and looked out her window, she saw a SCARECROW!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Help Us Help Your Child!!!!

We stress independence in the classroom to help the children develop self- confidence and accomplishment. If your child is unable to tie shoes, please send velcro shoes. When looking for snowsuits and boots, please choose styles that your child will be able to do independently. Please remember to pack lunches where your child is able to eat independently. This includes already peeling the oranges etc. at home. Please remember that there are several children in the classroom and it ensures that everyone is able to work independently.

Picture Re-takes!!

Picture re-takes are Wednesday, Oct. 26.

Library Books!!

Library books are due tomorrow. Please return last week's library book and you will get a new one this week!!

Friday, October 21, 2011


The children were discussing spiders that we saw during our Fall walk and the topic of spiders really took off this week and the children were very excited!!

Retelling stories!!
Creating our own web and spiders!!

At the sand centre!

"My Space"

 To help your child develop a strong sense of identity and well-being, each child has been designated a space on the wall in the classroom for their personal use. This will allow for your child to recognize, talk and and express their strengths, accomplishments, and interests throughout the year. If you accumulate any pictures of your childs' accomplishment or if your child has their picture posted in the newspaper  etc., please have your child bring it to school to share it with the class and add to their "space".  Please check the backpacks today for a family newsletter!! 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Recognizing Upper and Lower Case Letters!!!!

Being able to recognize upper and lower case letters is a skill that is essential to future reading and writing success. Below are some suggestions to help your child at home to recognize letters.

1. Letters are made up of curvy and straight lines. Use materials such as straws, pipe cleaners, yarn and toothpicks to form letters.

2. Form letters using playdough. You can trace letters on a paper and your child can cover it up with play dough.

3. When reading a story look for a few letters in the story. We use a fly swatter with a hole cut out in the middle to find the letters in class.

4. Write the letters on index cards and look them over at night.

5. Post 5 or 6 letters around the house. Have your child go on a letter search. When they find the letter and can identify it, have your child put it on the fridge.

6. Make letters in "finger paint" ways. Use pudding, shaving cream, apple sauce. Say a letter and have your child make it.

7. Put magnets on the fridge and put in order and have your child say the alphabet

8. Fridge Phonics is a great toy!!!

9. Place 12 upper and lower case letters on the floor. Make your own or you may have some store bought letters. Play a matching game. Match the upper and lower case letter.

10. Using clothespins (available at the dollar store) write an uppercase letter on the clothespins and a lower case letter on an index card. Encourage your child the clip the clothespins on the matching card and name the letter.

11.  Visit  Click on games.  The featured topic right now is Letters.  There are numerous letter games that your child can play. 

12.  Scratch n' Sniff.  Use a new sensation to teach the letters.  Write letters with glue on paper, then sprinkle with Jell-o powder.  Makes a super scratch n' sniff when tracing over the letters. 

PLEASE NOTE:  It is very important to have your child say the letters as they find them or match them, not the adult. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Working with Letters!!!

We have been practising making our names and letters in creative ways!! Keep practising at home!!!

With water and paint brushes on the chalkboards!!

With shaving cream!

With play dough!

With paint and a long fingernail!

New Light Table!

We have a new light table in our room!! Today we put some of the fall items that we collected yesterday on top. We discovered that if you looked through a magnifying glass the veins in the leaves really show up.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our Fall Walk!!

Today we paired up with Miss Reive's class and we went on a fall walk around the school yard!! The children will be bringing home a bag full of fall things that they found today!!!

Before we went, we made predictions about what we would and would not see. We thought that we would see red, orange, blue, yellow, gold, brown and green leaves. We also predicted that we would see apples, acorns, squirrels and branches. We didn't think that we would see bears, ice, a lot of leaves on the trees, and coconuts.

This is what we found!!!!!

A pumpkin!!

A pine cone and nuts!!



A home for a squirrel??

We came back in and drew pictures of what we saw on our walk!! Ask your child to read the Colourful Fall poem that was sent home!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Story Retell!!

We have been reading some stories in class and the children are retelling the stories in a variety of ways!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle

The Little Red House With No Doors, No Windows and a Star Inside
Google the Story on the Internet

Caps For Sale!!

Ask your child to tell you the story at home!!

Songs we have been singing:

1. 5 Little Monkeys
2. Hey There Neighbour, What Do You Say
3. Ponchinella
4. 1,2,3,4,5, Once I Caught A Fish Alive
5. 10 In A Bed

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The ability to rhyme involves 2 components. The first is rhyme judement. This is the ability to recognize if 2 words rhyme. The second is rhyme production. This is the ability to produce rhymes. If you find that your child is having dfficulty with rhyming begin with 1-syllable rhyming words ( fall, ball) and then progress to 2-syllable rhyming words ( yellow, fellow). Allow your child to invent words to make the game fun!!

Rhyming Riddles

Say the first part of the sentence and have your child fill in the blank word.
Here are some rhyming sentences that you can recite with your child at home:

1.  The black cat is very _________. (fat)

2.  I like to look  in my _________. (book)

3.  The plane can fly up in the _________. (sky)

4.  I like to run in the ________. (sun)

5.  At night I turn on my _________. (light)

6.  I saw a frog who sat on the ______. (log)

7.  The silly goat was wearing a _________. (coat)

8.  The little mouse came out of his __________. (house)

9.  Baby Bear sat on a ___________.(chair)

10.  The hungry pig grew very _________. (big)

11.  I got dirt on my new _________.(shirt)

12.  I saw a the bee fly up in the _______. (tree)

Other rhyming activities:

1.  Choose rhyming books to read with your child and leave out the rhyming word to see if your child can fill it in. 

2.  Play the game, " One of These Things Doesn't Belong." - Put 3 rhyming pictures and 1 that doesn't rhyme together and have your child find out which one doesn't belong

3.  Put 10 objects in a mystery bag and have your child reach in the bag to select an object.  When an object is pulled out have your child create a rhyming word for the object. 

4.  Say two rhyming words to your child.  If the words rhyme your child stands up, if they don't your child sits down. 

5.Use a deck of cards.  Remove the jack, queen, king and ace.  Put the cards face down.  Pick a card and produce rhyming words that rhyme with the numbers.  The rhyming words can be real or nonsense.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Help Us Help Your Child!!!

We stress independence in the classroom to help the children develop self- confidence, accomplishment and independence. If your child is unable to tie shoes, please send velcro. When looking for snowsuits and boots, please choose styles that your child will be able to do independently. Please remember to pack lunches where your child is able to eat independently. This includes already peeling the oranges etc., providing containers and bags that your child can try to open by themselves. Please remember that there are several children in the classroom and it ensures that everyone is able to work independently.

Subway Day!!

This is a reminder to those that paid for the sub lunch. It is tomorrow. Please send in snacks for the day too!!

Terry Fox Day Tomorrow!!

Just a reminder to let you know that we will be walking for Terry Fox tomorrow. Thank you for the donations!! We have been practising the warm-up song that Mrs. Shepley will use before the walk. Ask your child to show you some of the dance moves that we have been practising!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Beautiful Weather!!!

We took advantage of the beautiful weather today and engaged in some outdoor activities.

We painted the school with water!!

We played cooperative games!!

We made pictures with chalk, markers and water!!

We caught bugs in the long grass!!

Another fun day at school!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fundraising Forms!

Today you will get the fundraiser flyer titled "Santa's Little Helpers" We are selling muffins,cookie dough and small gifts from the catalogue. Orders are due back October 19, 2011. OUR GOAL IS TO EARN 10,000.

Library Books!

Your child will be bring home a library book today. It is due back every day 5. I will add the Library Day to the classroom calendar beginning next month. For the month of October, Day 5 will be Tuesday, Oct.11, Oct.18, Oct.25 and Nov.1

Monday, October 3, 2011

Apple Crisp Recipe!

Some of the children were saying that they loved the apple crisp and they were going to ask if they can make some at home. I am posting the simple recipe that we used at school.

Peel and slice apples to fill the pan almost to the top.
Add some water to the bottom of the pan.
Sprinkle with cinnamon.

The Topping:

1 cup of soft margarine
1 3/4 cup of brown sugar
1 1/2 cup of flour

Mix to a crumbly consistency. Sprinkle on the apples. Bake at 350 for 1 1/2 hours.


We made the Apple Crisp!!!

Thank you for sending in the apples. What a great response we had!!
First, we peeled and cut the apples!!

We prepared the apple crisp and talked about measuring and all of the ingredients used!!

We added the apple cores and the skin to the science centre!!

Some children measured the apple skins. They discovered that this particular piece of skin is 17 bugs long.

Apples were found at the painting centre too!!

What a fun day!! Time to eat!!!