Monday, September 28, 2015

S is for Skittle

We were talking about the letter S this week.  Mrs. Shepley found a very cool experiment using Skittles The children discovered that if skittles were soaked in water they colour came off and the letter S actually floated to the top! 
Below you will is the link for the experiment if you'd like to try it at home!
The children chose the colour they wanted to use for their own experiment.

The children waited patiently and then they all put their skittle into the petri dish at the same time.
The watched the colour come off of the skittle. Rosie said "We're scientists!"
Then they saw the floating letter S.  We didn't get a photo of that!
Then the children wondered what colour would be made if they were all mixed together. Some guesses were: Rainbow, black, orange and brown.  The bowl below shows all of the mixed colours.

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