Monday, September 28, 2015

S is for Skittle

We were talking about the letter S this week.  Mrs. Shepley found a very cool experiment using Skittles The children discovered that if skittles were soaked in water they colour came off and the letter S actually floated to the top! 
Below you will is the link for the experiment if you'd like to try it at home!
The children chose the colour they wanted to use for their own experiment.

The children waited patiently and then they all put their skittle into the petri dish at the same time.
The watched the colour come off of the skittle. Rosie said "We're scientists!"
Then they saw the floating letter S.  We didn't get a photo of that!
Then the children wondered what colour would be made if they were all mixed together. Some guesses were: Rainbow, black, orange and brown.  The bowl below shows all of the mixed colours.

Toad or Frog?

On Tuesday Norah found this little creature on our playground.  We brought him into the classroom and decided to study him for a little while.  The children wondered if it was a frog or a toad.  We did some research on the Smartboard and found out some of the differences between the two. 
 Then we did a survey and the children voted on which they thought our animal was.

Each child had a chance to place their name card onto the side they thought was right.
Then we counted and discovered more children thought our animal was a toad than a frog. 

The following day we set out more items to continue our research the differences and similarities between frogs and toads. 

Then we sang the song "Five Green and Speckled Frogs" and the children lead by Matteo acted out the song on our climbing log outside.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Outdoor Learning

While the weather is so beautiful we are going to try to maximize our outdoor learning time.  The children enjoyed spending time outdoors while exploring a few different activities.  

The Letter S!

This week we are learning about the letter "S".  Throughout the school year we will try our best to focus on one letter a week.  The children  had fun searching around for the letter S while we were in the gym.  Many students even found letters on their clothing!  While out and about with your children ask them if they can see any the letter S anywhere!

We will utilize "Jolly Phonics" to help children learn the sound each letter makes. See the link below for the Jolly Phonics video.