Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Olympic Day!

We were team USA today in the School Olympics!  Our cheer went like this:

Hey, hey!  What do you say?
We are Team USA!

Our first event was "curling". We had to throw the frisbee onto the target!

Our second event was making a team banner to cheer our team on!

Our third event was watching some events at the Olympics to become familiar with them! 

Our fourth event was hockey!  She shoots, she scores!

Our fifth event was cross country skiing.  This was hard for us!  

So we decided to try just one ski.  Much better!

Our sixth event was the biathlon.  We had to throw bean bags into hoops.

Our seventh event was alpine skiing.  

We tried one long chain!

Our eighth event was speed skating.  We skated with rags on our feet.  

Our ninth event was the skeleton!  This was a lot of fun!  We had to lay down on scooters and push with our hands to get to the end.

Our tenth event was free style skiing.  We had to crawl over a bench, jump through hoops, go around pylons and crawl under chairs.

Our eleventh event was ski jumping. 

Our very last event of the day was building an ice sculpture!

What a fun day!

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