Friday, February 21, 2014

What's the Score?

Two of our friends are keeping track of how many times the puck went in and how many time the puck did not go in.  At home, create a game and have your child keep track using a tally system! 


Some of our friends have created their own game of hockey at the blocks and we are keeping a tally of how many time they score!  So far we have 5 points!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Olympic Day!

We were team USA today in the School Olympics!  Our cheer went like this:

Hey, hey!  What do you say?
We are Team USA!

Our first event was "curling". We had to throw the frisbee onto the target!

Our second event was making a team banner to cheer our team on!

Our third event was watching some events at the Olympics to become familiar with them! 

Our fourth event was hockey!  She shoots, she scores!

Our fifth event was cross country skiing.  This was hard for us!  

So we decided to try just one ski.  Much better!

Our sixth event was the biathlon.  We had to throw bean bags into hoops.

Our seventh event was alpine skiing.  

We tried one long chain!

Our eighth event was speed skating.  We skated with rags on our feet.  

Our ninth event was the skeleton!  This was a lot of fun!  We had to lay down on scooters and push with our hands to get to the end.

Our tenth event was free style skiing.  We had to crawl over a bench, jump through hoops, go around pylons and crawl under chairs.

Our eleventh event was ski jumping. 

Our very last event of the day was building an ice sculpture!

What a fun day!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

ONE Hundred!!

Last Friday as part of our 100th Day of School celebration, the children counted to 100 and lined up 100 shoes.  They made some predictions before to guess how far they would go! What a fun way to represent 100!

Friday, February 7, 2014

What is it?

Today we put out a hot air popcorn popper and asked the children what they thought it was.  Here are some of the the things they said: "It's a toy for hampsters","It's a coffee maker", "It's a machine to make stuff with", "Its' a pancake maker", "It's a machine to make wheels with", "It's a water maker" and "It's a brownie maker" and finally a few did guess, "Its for making popcorn!". I shared the story of this popcorn maker with the children, telling them it belonged to my family and when I was a child we won it at a raffle from a video store.  This popcorn maker is over 30 years old and it still makes great popcorn! The children were surprised to find out that there was a time that microwave popcorn was not invented yet!  

We were surprised to discover that one tablespoon holds 86 kernels of unpopped corn, and the same tablespoon only holds 3 pieces of popped corn!

We counted out 100 kernels of popcorn in honour of today being our 100th day of school.  The circle on the right represents the amount of space one hundred unpopped kernels takes up. We also discovered that sometimes not all the kernels pop, the unpopped ones are on the left, there were 16.
After all that hard work counting the kernels, the children were happy that they were able to enjoy a snack!

100 Day Activities!

We lined up 100 shoes in the hallway!  We estimated how long the line would go down the hallway! We practised counting by 2's and 1's all the way to 100.

Some friends used the number chart to count and recognize numbers to 100.

10 dots in 10 circles makes 100!  Some children were counting by tens!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thank You!

Our art area is booming once again! A big thank you to Ashley's family for donating these great odds and ends! Please keep sending anything you may not want to use at home because the children create so many beautiful things with them!  Our boxes keep coming in too! Thank you for your help!

Our Table Top Activities!

Here the children roll 2 dice.  A colour dice and a number dice?  One of our friends just rolled 3 purple.  Now she will use the purple dabber and add 3 purple dots on her page!

Below one of the girls is rolling a dice and hiding the number that corresponds with what she rolled.

Below one friend is discovering what is magnetic in the sand table.

We are using different sorting rules to sort the size??

After reading the story Snowballs some friends decided to create their own snow creature using shaving cream and glue!  I made a snowman!