Tuesday, November 12, 2013


There was such an interest in using the stethoscopes at our doctor centre we created our very own stethoscopes and we now are learning about the heart!  

Here our two friends are taking turns listening to each others heart. You an really hear it.  To make a stethoscope at home all you need is a paper towel roll and a funnel!

One of our friends is pumping the blood, creating a pulse!  Can you count to 72?

Another friend is running on the spot until the trimmer runs out to see if her heart rate increases!

We know that at rest our heart rate beats about 72 beats her minute!  Can you count to 72?

One friend found the number 72!

This is a list of our vocabulary words the adults are using when interacting with the children at this centre.  The goal is to have the children using these words in their play at this centre and in the classroom!  

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