Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Which Container Holds More?

During one of the circles the children were shown 3 containers of different sizes. We had plastic eggs to put inside of the containers. They were asked to guess which container would hold the least, more and most. They thought that the tallest container would hold the most! Time to test it out! First we estimated how many eggs would fit in the smallest. They came up with 2, 4 and 3. The actual number was 8. Next, we had to estimate a higher number for the black container. They guessed 14, 16 and 15. It actually held 31 eggs. The tallest container only held 16 eggs. Wow the shortest container held the most eggs!

At Home Connection: Place different sized containers in the bathtub during bath time and have your child pour water from each container to see which holds more or less.

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