Friday, November 4, 2011


To help your child develop a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem, we will be sending home certificates if your child has accomplished a specific skill.  Look for these certain awards to be coming home in the next few months:

1.  I CAN ZIP MY ZIPPER :  Many children have taken this certificate home already.  Keep pracitising at home.  You can also work on practising getting snowsuits on independently.  Use the terms:
first, we get our snowpants on,
then we get our boots on,
next we get our jacket on,
finally, we get our mitts and hats on.

2.  I CAN MAKE AN AB PATTERN:  We have been making many patterns in class.  To create an AB pattern you need 2 objects and you pattern them alternately.  At home, try to use objects around the house.  eg.  spoon, fork, spoon, fork. , big button, little button, big button, little button etc.  When your child has accomplished this easily, try a more difficult pattern.  eg.  AABB, AAABBB, AAB, ABB etc. You may start the pattern for your child and see if your child can continue the pattern.

3.  I CAN COUNT TO _________.  Practise rote counting. (counting out loud) and counting objects at home.  Games like snakes and ladders make it fun to count at home. 

4.  I CAN NAME ALL THE UPPER-CASE LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET.  Keep practising at home.  Use the list of suggestions that was sent home. 

5.  I CAN NAME ALL THE LOWER-CASE LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET.  Keep practising at home.  Use the list of suggestions that was sent home.

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