Friday, November 28, 2014

I Can!

Today Abbey brought in a skipping rope to show us that she can skip.  Many friends gave it a try and realized that they can skip too!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Our Morning Activities!

Here are some morning activities that were out this morning spas soon as they arrived at school!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Today the children were very excited to go out for recess and play in the snow! We had a talk about the proper order of dressing for outdoors.  The children are getting better every day at independently getting dressed for the outdoors. Zippers are still a challenge for some, but most have mastered this!  Please remember to send snow pants, boots and mitts every day.   We go outside 2x everyday unless there is a wind chill advisory.

They enjoyed shovelling and piling up the snow.

We brought out pieces of black construction paper and caught snowflakes!

Here is a close up photo of some of the flakes we caught.

The children loved playing outside!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Popping Popcorn!

Many of the students created popcorn machines one day at the art table, so it sparked an interest about popcorn!  We read the poem quite a few times and discovered there were a lot 'p's especially in the title! Today we used a popper to make our own popcorn!  We used only a half of cup of kernals and look how much popcorn it made!  

Noodle Fun!

We can make necklaces, bracelets and patterns at the sensory bin!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


We took another walk in our schoolyard and discovered many signs of Fall now!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Few Centres!

Scrubbing vegetables at the water table!

Making food at the play dough centre!

Spinning tops at the science centre!

Using tongs and Pom poms for a fine motor activity and/or sorting activity!

Spinning Tops!

Our friends noticed that it takes a long time for the top to stop spinning.  Here, they are counting to see what number they get to before it stops.  Teagan counted all the way to 26 before it stopped!

A Great App!

Today we went to the following app on the smart board and we played the game alphabet bingo.  This is a very good game to play to help your child learn the alphabet letters. This would be a great game to play at home on your computer!