Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mmmm Salad!

We grew Lettuce in our classroom!  Today we made a salad using the lettuce and added a few other vegetables.  The children learned that we eat different parts of plants as food.  We learned that with some vegetables, like lettuce, we eat the leaves, with other vegetables like carrots and potatoes, we eat the roots.  The children enjoyed selecting what they wanted to eat in their salad and mixing the vegetables to make a salad.

Our lettuce plant.

Adding cucumbers.

Adding carrots, tomatoes and ranch dressing.

Ready for eating!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Snake Skin!

Steven brought in skin that a snake had shed. He found it in his backyard! We used a magnifying glass to take a closer look at the scales! Devlin found a picture in a book of a snake shedding it's skin!

Snakes at the Sand Table!

"I just laid eggs and I'm protecting them from predators" Logan says as he played in the sand today. Steven's snakes are hibernating. "They look like spaghetti when they hibernate," he says.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


We did it!  We built rockets and were able to launch them!  The children used a template to build the rocket then we used the following method for launching the rocket: 

How to build a Baking Soda Rocket

This is how we assembled the "rocket engine".

Here we are prepping our rockets for lift off!

Here are our finished rockets!

Out of this world!!

This past week we combined spinner art and splatter painting to make our own planets and solar systems.  The children used paint, a salad spinner, a spoon, and a basting brush to create their very own planets.  Then they used their imaginations to name their planets!

The paint is carefully applied to the picture.

Once the lid is secured, it's time to spin the picture.


Once the picture was spun, some children addded more colour.
Kody used white paint and a basting brush to create his solar system.

The finished product!

A Centipede in the Classroom!

Today we found a centipede on the ledge and the children were fascinated looking at all of the legs. We took the opportunity to discuss whether it was an insect. No said Devlin! It
has way more than 6 legs. It has 100 legs and it doesn't have a head, thorax and abdomen, said Carter.

"Wow" Words about insects:
Compound eyes


Cole brought in a picture of a snake that he found in his backyard! It sparked an interest in our classroom! We introduced some 'wow' words about snakes! Use these words at home. Reptile, scales, venom, hibernate, saliva, den, garter snake!

The children are welcome to bring in books, pictures, toy snakes that they may have at home. Please label your items!