Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Our Tree in Winter

Our class has selected a tree on our playground and we are conducting a year long study on it.  We started in the fall and measured the tree, drew pictures of the tree and made a life size painting of the tree.  Now that winter is here we checked on our tree again. The children discovered that the tree has no leaves left.  We wrote about our tree and made birdfeeders to hang in the tree.   


Monday, January 28, 2013

Technology In the Classroom!

We are using iPads and the smartboard in the classroom for math and language activities! The kids are really becoming independent using them!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

New Library Buddies

Day 4 is our library day. We are now paired with Mrs. Hazel's class, her students will spend a few minutes reading and playing literacy games with our students each week.

Investigating the Temperature!

Logan was investigating what happens when you put a thermometer in hot water and very cold snow. "I see" he says. ". When its cold the thermometer goes down and when it's hot the thermometer goes up!". He shared this with the class and we discussed temperature!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What's going on this week!

The big excitement is the snow! It's been too cold to go outside to play so we brought snow into the classroom! The children are discovering mixing colours in the snow and making tunnels!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


After sorting through all of the books in her collection, Mrs. Shepley decided it was time cut down the number she had. Today she sent home 5 or more books with each student. These books are for the children to keep. The children had fun picking books!


On Monday we finally got snow. The children were so excited to play in the snow during recess. Unfortunately with the wind chill below -20 C today we had indoor recess.

REMINDER: Please be sure to send boots, snow pants, hats & mittens (an extra pair--if possible).

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Special Treat!

Steven brought marshmallows to school in December and we put them away for another day. Today was the day to eat them! The children were excited and sang the thank you song to Steven on their own. Great manners! Nathan came up with an idea to build with marshmallows and sticks. Some others said lets paint them. We will try some of these ideas next week! Have a great weekend! Remember, tomorrow is a P.D. Day!

Icebergs at the Water Table!

The polar bear is resting on the ice at the water centre.

5 Little Snowmen!!

Today the children learned the poem 5 Little Snowmen. Mrs. Hawkins recited the poem and used the flannel board snowmen. We focused observing how the numbers get smaller as we count backwards. The children enjoyed retelling the story using the props provided.

Five Little Snowmen

Five little snowmen fat.
Each one wearing a funny hat.
In the morning out came the sun.
It looked down and melted one.

Repeat the poem and replace the number five with four etc. until you get to none or zero.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

We Made Snow!!

In our classroom we have had a lot of interest in snow.  Since we don't have any to play with on the playground, we decided to make our own!  We mixed one can of shaving cream and one box of corn starch and created a light fluffy mixture.  Tomorrow we're going to see if we can use our 'snow' to create with.

The children enjoyed 'mucking about' and mixing the corn starch and shaving cream by hand.

A Snow What?

We read the story Snowballs written by Lois Ehlert yesterday and the children were inspired to create their own snow object and creatures at the play dough centre. Nathan made a snow dog and a snow cat. Cole made a snow pig. Chayse made a snow egg and Nathan made a snow drill! Creative!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Salt and Ice

This morning Nathan brought some rock salt to school.  He asked if we could do an experiment with the salt. At circle time we had a discussion about what rock salt is used for.  Many friends knew that rock salt is used on the roads and sidewalks to help make the ice less slippery.  We decided to try an experiment.  We had two bowls with ice, one with the salt and one with just ice. 


The children checked the bowls and discovered that the in bowl with the salt (orange bowl), the ice melted faster.  At home children could try the same experiement with table salt and see if they will get the same results. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ramps and measuring!

The children used balls to roll down the ramps we made in the gym and we measured the distance the balls rolled using hoopla hoops. I ball rolled the length of nine hoola hoops. We put a carpet in front of one of the ramps and the children discovered that it slowed the ball down. It didn't roll as fast or as far. We discussed gravity and friction.