Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fighting Island!!

We had a great day!!  They kept us very busy!!

First, off to the pond to see what we could find.  We collected samples of water and bugs to use later in the classroom under the microscopes.

Then we found animal prints and prepared each one to put the plaster on it!

Next, we collected snails

Then we went off in the bus to the classroom at the back of the island to eat lunch!!

Then it was off to look for bugs and insects!!  We found milkweed.  Monarch butterflies like the milkweed!!

We made a list of what we found on our bug adventure!!

Time to look at the pond creatures under the microscope!! 

That ended the day!!  Time to take the ferry back to catch the bus!!  A special thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers that came with us!!!  The people on the island were very impressed at how the volunteers took part and really helped out!  I certainly agree and I want to thank each and every one of you for coming!! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Oh what fun to blow the bubbles and to catch them too!!

Ponds and Insects!!!!

Exploring the pond habitat at the water table!!

                                         At the light table

         One of our friends made a beetle out of the playdough!!

Ben made an insect at the art table.  He told me it has a head, thorax and abdomen.  He added 2 antennae and eyes.   We have been singing a song about the parts of an insect!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This Week!!

We have our very own pond in the classroom!

Crayon rubbings using a variety of objects and investigating the different testures and lines!!

Painting using eye droppers!  What beautiful colours and designs!!

Practising our fine motor skills and math skills.  Sorting by colour and shape too!! 

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Outdoor Classroom!!

We measured using hoola hoops and hockey sticks!

We painted!!

We created maps!!!

We searched for fossils!  We practised using a magnifying glass!!

We discovered how chalk smears!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


      We are painting with the different objects today!!


You may have heard about your son or daughter talking about our mask parade at school.  We read a story about making a mask and we came up with a list of what we need to make a mask at school.

Off to work they went!! 

We went on a parade around the school.  We visited many classrooms to show off our masks!!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

An Experiment at the Water Table!!!

One of the students created and tested his experiment at the water table today.  He was wandering if the water would go through all of the funnels to make the wheel turn????????

It worked!!!!!

Bean Seeds!!

Did you plant your bean seeds at home?  That is the survey of the day today!  We enjoyed watching our plants grow at school. 

Some students measured their bean stalks using cubes. 

 Students seriated the sizes of the bean plants.  We discoverd that they are growing at different rates.  Some are taller than others. 

Some students drew about their plant in their journal!!

Some students decided to measure Mrs. Shepley's plant and it is 23 cubes tall.  It is the same as some of our friends' arms!!!  It is taller than some of our friends' arms!!!