Friday, April 27, 2012

Snail House!!

Miss Frame brought in a piece of styrofoam and put it at the painting centere to see what the children could do with it.  Off to work they went and they decided to make a house for the snails!!

The snail house is now painted but wait.........

Hanna and Leandra decided to add doors, windows, a bed, a couch and a tv for the snails!!

Other friends went outside to get some grass to put inside of the snail house!!  We had fun watching them crawl all around their new house today! 

Today we are saying good-bye to Miss Frame.  We have really enjoyed having her in the classroom.  Thanks for many creative ideas Miss Frame.  We will miss you!!

She made pudding today with the children!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What's Been Going on in Early Years this Week!!!

The children were exploring the snails as they raced.  They were using a magnifying glass to watch and make discoveries about the snails.  They found out the snails can move faster than they thought and they like cabbage.  The children came up with names for the snails which included Speedy, Super, Baby Star, Sasquatch, Lizzy and Teeny.  Speedy won the race!! 


Our sand table has trasformed into a planting station.  Here Logan and Nathan are planting flowers in the dirt.  Logan says we can call the dirt soil too.  Nathan explains that we need water and sun and dirt to make the flowers grow. 


The children were prdicting where the worms would end up after being placed in the middle.  There were 3 choices of food for the worms; dirt, compost and paper.  The worms did go to the dirt and one of the worms crawled to the banana peels.  It was funny to watch the worm crawl under the banana peel.  Hailey, Leandra, Jamie, Kyle, Cameron, Brianna, and Hanna enjoyed picking the worms up and feeling them crawl in their hands.  We can tell which end is the head because it is pointier. Hailey was very involved in all of the worm discoveries this week and she stated that worms need to stay in wet, dark places to survive.  They like to eat dirt!!  Great observations!!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Worms are in the Classroom Again!!!

We are making predictions using worms.   Below, we covered one side of the box with white paper and the other side with dark paper.  We put the worms in the middle and the children are predicting which side the worms will choose.

The children were busy watching and making a prediction!!

Erin drew a picture of her prediction.  She thinks the worms will go to the dark side because worms live in dirt and dirt is dark. 

Nathan wrote the words dark and light.  He predicted that the worms will choose the dark side too!!  We will be watching to find out!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

School is Fun!!!

Painting our hands!

Painting with our fingers!!

Creating at the art table.  Xavier made a parachute.

Carter made a drum!

Nathan made a stage and he was performing in a one-man band!!

Making bird feeders!! 

Hailey's experiment.  Do not touch.  We were discussing absorption and repelling at the science table.  Hailey noticed that the water repelled on the foam piece.  She came up with an idea!!  She said:  "maybe if we leave the water on top for a day it will absorb into the foam."  She is testing it to see if it works!! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Has Sprung in the Classroom!!!!

Some friends are making bird nests!!

We made bird feeders.  We check everyday to see what the birds like to eat.  So far they ate the strawberries. 

We made predictions about what kind of cereal the birds will prefer....Cheerios or Fruit Loops

Below, one of the students was playing at the bird centre and she had her bird sitting on the eggs.  I asked her what she was doing and she told me that the bird has to sit on the eggs to make them warm and then the baby birds will hatch.  Hers hatched!!!

Free exploration at the science table!!!

We are still waiting with excitment to see what will hatch out of the egg.  Some of the children are changing their predictions now that we can see some of the inside.  Alligator is a popular prediction.

Cameron brought in a science experiment that he did at home.  We had to guess what is hidden inside of the ice. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Reptiles In the Classroom!!


Some of the children became very interested in reptiles as they were researching what hatches from an egg.  At the writing centre, we made a chart of what reptiles they saw in books.  Here the students are drawing pictures. We learned that reptiles have scales and they usually have 4 legs or no legs. Some of the students are practising picking up the crocodiles that Kyle brought to school!! 

What will hatch out of the egg?

The children made predicitons about what will hatch out of the egg.  They drew pictures.  Here are some predictions:
1.  A snake
2.  A turtle
3.  A rainbow waterfall

We will have to wait to see!!  It should be hatched in the next few days!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We've been very busy!!

We would like to welcome 2 student teachers to our classroom.  Miss. Drouillard and Mr. Junas are here until April 28th. 

We discovered what an egg would look like if we cooked an egg with Miss Drouillard.

First we made predictions.  Here are some predictions:

1.  It would be hot
2.  A red bird will come out
3.  Everything is going to turn out white
4.  It's going to turn to a hard boiled egg
5.  It will be scrambled
6.  It will crack open

We discovered that it turned solid.  When we cooked it in the microwave, we heard popping.  It looked like an egg that we eat at home.  It was still a little slimy!! 

Mr. Junas put some pictures of birds near the playdough centre and we took all of the playdough tools away.  We wanted to see how the children would explore the playdough.  Mr. Junas sat with a group of children and they discussed moulding.  They created playdough birds and it really got them thinking about the parts of bird.  One JK friend said that she put wings on her bird and they flap.  I asked her why do they flap and she responded that birds need to flap their wings to fly.  Great language development!!


We have been discussing and researching things that come out of eggs.  Here in the sand centre, one friend announce that a baby grasshopper has just hatched out of the egg.  " Hatched"  Great language development!!

Mrs. Boose (our noon-aide assistant) made a beautiful cake for our class.  We put it out for the children to draw it.  Although it was very tempting to eat, we are proud to say that the children were able to wait until 2nd nutrition break to eat it.