Friday, February 17, 2012

Recess Time!!

Some of the children were wandering if we could get some soccer balls for recess and I said that we could write a letter to Mr. Mills and ask him.  This letter was printed independently by one of our students and one student knew that you could make Mr. in a short way.  At the end one student mentioned that we want to say some instead of a because we want more than 1, so they scratched out the word a and replace it with some.  We have to deliver the letter now and wait for the response.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What did we do at school today????

We discovered what objects in the sand are magnetic.

We made chairs for people and slides for animals at the blocks!!

We played with cooked and uncooked  pasta in the water table and we painted with the cooked noodles at the painting centre!!

We retold the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

We estimated the number of candy hearts in the jar and printed the number to put in a basket.

We made noodle necklaces and a flying machine!!

We made pancakes at the play dough centre!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Student Teachers!

You may hear your child speaking about new teachers in the classroom.  We would like to welcome Mrs. Speed and Mrs. Negin from The Faculty of Education.  They are here until March 2. 
We are also welcoming Mr. Gavin from General Amherst High School.  He is doing a co-op placement until the end of the year. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Colour Mixing!!

We read the story, Little Blue and Little Yellow written by Leo Lionni and the children have been busy mixing colours to make new colours.  We discussed the 3 primary colours and the children were off to explore how they can make new colours.

They mixed colours at the painting centre!!

They use eye droppers and cups to mix coloured water together!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Parent Tips to Improve Language and Literacy

Stimulate children to think and talk about things beyond what’s happening in the here-and-now. Make comments and ask questions that encourage them to imagine and pretend, to think about the past and the future, about why things happen and how to solve problems, as well as to consider other people’s opinions, emotions and perspectives. The ability to use this kind of abstract language provides a critically important foundation for learning to read.


Daily Activities:
When you change a routine, do something unusual or when things don’t go as planned, explain why this has happened. For example, “We can’t have cereal for breakfast because I forgot to buy milk”.

Pretend Play:
Introduce a problem for your child to solve when pretending together. For example, “There’s no milk for the baby and the stores are closed! What can we do?”

Reading Books:
Ask your child questions that encourage him/her to predict what will happen in a story. For example, “What do you think will happen when the boy opens the door?” Give him/her time to answer.

On the Go…:
Ask your child to think about other people’s feelings in various situations. For example, “How do you think that boy felt when he went to a new school?”

The Greater Essex County District School Board
Speech and Language Services

Source: The Hanen Center; 2008 Preschool Language and Literacy Calendar