Monday, January 30, 2012


On Friday, some of the children were noticing the sparkles on their clothing so I decided to start the day off today with a survey.  When the children arrived this morning, they had to sign their name on to the graph.  The question was: Are you wearing sparkles today?  After the graph was completed, we discovered 8 people were wearing sparkles and 11 were not.  (We had 6 people away this morning)
After looking at all of the sparkles on the childrens' clothing, we wrote words that describe the sparkles.  The children wrote their own words.  They came up with, light-up, glow, sparkly, glitter and shine.  At the art centres their was lots of sparkle material to add to their creations!!!!

We then read the story, The Rainbow Fish written by Marcus Pfister and below some of the children were re-telling the story at the puppet centre. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

What we did at school today???

We painted with marbles and containers!!

We played with animals that live in cold temperatures at the water table.  The penguins are on a glacier here!!

We made puppets and put on a puppet show!

We played games on the smartboard!!

We made a road and talked about different kinds of transportation!

One student put out fires.  We had a fire station at the drama centre!!

We made ramps!!

We made crafts.  These 2 students made a helicopter and an airplane!

We discovered how dirty the snow is when it melts!!

We painted with our hands and made hand-print paintings!!

We played with dinosaurs at the sand table!!

We cleaned up!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Melting Continued Today!!!

The eraser did not melt in the hot water...........The pencil, pencil crayon and crayon did not melt when placed in front of the came up with another idea.  Let's see what would happen if we put it somewhere else even hotter.  The idea of the oven popped up.  We put all of these items in the oven and discovered that the only thing that did melt was the crayon.  We then made our own crayons using muffin tins.  The pencil became very soft and changed shape but nothing happend to the eraser or the pencil crayon.  What a discovery!!!!   We know that not everything will melt!!

We put out new crayons out at the writing centre.  They really work!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


We have been discussing what melts and how things melt in the classroom this week and we have made some interesting discoveries.  We started with a regular ice cube and predicted how long it would take to melt.  It took until the end of small groups.  We then discussed ways of making the ice melt quicker and did experiments using salt, a heater and hot water.  The children discovered that when we put the ice in hot water it melted the quickest followed by the ice with salt and then the ice that was placed by the heater melted last. 

Today we discussed other things that could melt and we started doing experiments.  Some children suggested that a pencil, crayon and pencil crayon would melt if we put it in hot water.  We did and they did not melt.  Next was a suggestion to put it in front of the heater and we are still waiting for the results....  Stay tuned

Another child predicted that an eraser would melt if we placed it in front of the heater.  We discovered it did not melt.  We then put it in hot water and we are still waiting for the results......Stay tuned as we keep making predictions and discoveries for the rest of the week.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Math: Number Sense

Children need lots of practise using numbers in situations where they can be successful and have fun.  Here are some key learning goals for the Number Unit:

  • Rocognize that the last number in a count tells how many objects have been counted.
  • Recognize and write numerals from 1-10.
  • Sort, classify and count the number of objects in a set.
  • Recognize that counting can begin and end at any point in a sequence. 
Here are a few suggestions of math games you can play:
1.  At the grocery store, have you child look for numerals in the store.  Count your items while waiting in line. 
2.  Play card games.
3.  Ask your child to show you a set of objects that makes a certain number.  Use buttons, pasta etc. 


We are working on a skill called segmentation.  It simply means pronouncing each sound in a word.  For example, the word cat has 3 sounds: /c/ /a/ /t/.  The slashes tells you to say the sound not the letter name.  Here are some activities that you can try at home:
1.  Stretch words by saying them slowly to hear all of the sounds.  Ask, "how many sounds did you hear?"
2.  Cut out pictures and sort them by how many sounds they have. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Magnifying Glass

Some of the children were looking at all of the shells using a magnifying glass and they were holding the magnifying glass right against their eye and looking.  We discussed what a magnifying glass does and how we might use it.  The children discovered through experimentation the proper way to use the magnifying glass!!

The children were using magnifying glasses all over the classroom.  They were looking for letters around the room and discovered how big they looked.
AT HOME:  Provide a magnifying glass for your child to look through.  Look for letters, numbers and a variety of materials.  Allow your child to describe what they see.  When we were looking at shells, the children were coming up with description words:  bumpy, smooth, stripes etc. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012


We have been using prepositions at school and the children here are using a magnetic board and discussing where they are placing their objects. In the picture the student was putting the turtle under or below the scuba diver or another way to say it is above the treasure chest. 

At home, have your child practise using the terms:  on, off, above, over, below, under, far, near, beside, in front of, behind, in-between, middle of

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Down in the Deep Blue Sea!

The children were discussing pirates and pirate ships and it began a discussion about seas and oceans. Some of the children made pirate ships at the art centre out of the boxes and materials. We put out ocean animals at the block centre.  The children brought their pirate ships to the block area and created their own sea.  We discussed what kinds of creatures that they would see in the ocean and we made a chart.  The children printed their own words and I was amazed to see the words shark and fish on the chart paper.

The children went fishing for sea creatures and placed them in the letter pocket that the creature began with.  For example, as I was standing watching them, one student pulled out an octopus and said "o,o,o,o, octopus and put it in the o pocket. 

Library Days

Library Days for the month of January are:
Thursday, Jan. 12
Thursday, Jan. 19
Friday, Jan. 27