Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Light Table

Some of the children made their own reindeers out of playdough and let them harden.  They painted them and we created a North Pole centre at the light table.  Here the reindeer are prancing about.

Friday, December 16, 2011


We have 2 co-op students in from the University and Miss Victoria brought her violin to school to play some Christmas songs for the class.  The children have been playing along using the classroom instruments.  One of the children suggested doing a parade and the idea took off.  We brainstormed ideas of what we need to make a parade.  They suggested instuments, flags, signs and banners, music, hats and costumes. We have been busy for 2 days preparing for the big parade and we marched down the hallway in and out of classes singing and playing our instuments.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


The children have been very busy making toys out of the boxes and craft supplies that some families sent in.  Thank-you so much!!!!  We made dolls, airplanes, bay blades, cars and much more!!  The children had to come up with a plan first of what they were going to make and how to make it.  They had to try to follow their plan and create their toy.  They had some great explanations about how the toy worked and what parts it consisted of:

Friday, December 9, 2011

Literacy Open House!!

Our Literacy Open House was a huge success!!  Thank you to all parents that took the time to come in and see your child in action!!!  We hope that you went home with lots of ideas of things that you can do to help your child at home with letter/ sound recognition, story retell and comprehension, the use of technology (smart board, computers), and a lot more.  We had 20 different centres set up around the room with many wonderful volunteers helping out and explaining the centres. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Post Office!!

Our trip to the Post Office to mail our Santa letters inspired our own Post Office in the classroom.  The children made and painted their own mailbox and the mailcarriers are distributing them in their personal mailboxes. 


I was reading the story, "How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?" today and at the end of the story one of our friends made up a dinosaur song and we all started singing it. It was fun changing some of the words to a familiar song and creating a new song about dinosaurs.  Here it is...

To the tune of 5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate.

5 little dinosaurs sitting on a gate,
The first one said " oh my it's getting late!"
The second one said "there are pterodactyls in the air"
The third one said " but we don't care"
The fourth one said "let's run and run and run"
And the fifth on said " I'm ready for some fun"

Oooooooo went the meteors and out went the lights and the 5 little dinosaurs rolled out of sight!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Literacy Open House!!


This is just a reminder that the Literacy Open House is tomorrow.  All parents are still welcome to come.  It begins at 9:30am.  Please sign the book located in the front hallway and then come down to your child's room.  We are really looking forward to this and are hoping for a great turn-out.  Hope to see you tomorrow!!